
This blog is aimed at the Clinton Devon Estate team to let everyone know what the Estate Director is up to... By popular demand! Let me have your feedback...

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

YouTube video

See below URL for latest short intro video to the Estate:


Tuesday, 29 November 2011

CAP Reform and Rural Growth Networks

Attended a CAP Reform update seminar in London today - interesting and at the same time very concerning as the current proposals seem to be moving farming backwards and more reliant on subsidy rather than moving towards a more competitive industry less reliant on public funding.  Indeed the law of unintended consequences may well come into play if some of the proposals actually get agreed by the European Parliament in due course.  Negotiations continue till 2013 so there is time for sense to prevail yet I doubt if it will...  UK Government have their work cut out.

In the afternoon attended a briefing by the Secretary of State for Defra and her ministers on the outcome of the Chancellor's pre-budget statement specifically in terms of rural growth opportunities and of real interest to Clinton Devon - Rural Growth Networks.  Below is a url linking to a Defra presentation on the subject:


I was involved as Chairman of the Estates Business Group - www.estatesbusinessgroup.co.uk -
Rural Committee in some of this work earlier in the year and it is fantastic that the Treasury are looking to fund some initiatives for rural areas from community broadband, affordable housing to Rural Growth Networks investment.  The funds are limited and subject to open competition between the Local Enterprise Partnerships.  We need to ensure that the Heart of the SW LEP gets engaged with the rural growth agenda and submits some bids ASAP otherwise the funds will go to other areas.  Clinton Devon will do what ever is necessary to help Devon get its fair share to encourage local jobs, increased productivity, income growth for local businesses and community infrastructure - but we need Local Authorities to lobby the LEP over the coming weeks.

Whilst the economy is in a pretty dire situation - we must do whatever we can to protect the UK's AAA rating - otherwise it will be game over.  In that respect it will be a private sector driven recovery - especially if the public sector is unable to deliver the necessary infrastructure investment.  We shall see...

Monday, 21 November 2011


My three minute presentation to EDDC Development Management Committee on Friday 18th November can be found at www.clintondevon.com - hopefully uploaded today.

I made the case:

That in the last 15 years Exmouth contributed 30% of the Districts’ houses, however, in the last 5 years it contributed 22%; all in line with the facts that:

It houses 25% of the population of the District; household sizes are reducing and, it’s getting harder to develop within the built up area boundary.

But the LDF Panel says that Exmouth should now only deliver 11% - 1,700 houses - and this figure includes:

• 482 already built and 391 under construction or with permission. Of those built only 32 were affordable and taking this pattern on, out of 873, ONLY 57 WOULD BE AFFORDABLE! That’s 6.5%!

• 137 houses that have “made progress”

• 150 dwellings for allocation

• 540 as strategic allocations (Littleham and Goodmores Farm); that is 3.5% of the overall total.

When you consider that provision of affordable and other housing for young families is the number one priority for Exmouth when demand is massive it is rather depressing that the politicians present (presumably who don't need affordable housing) can be so cavalier as to think that their plan will deliver it when the facts clearly show that they have no chance.  Only one or two individuals questioned whether Exmouth needed to look again at the numbers but they were swiftly silenced and the agenda moved on.

No one took any notice or challenged the figures so we go to consultation with 190.  We now need to decide how we approach the consultation.  We intend to engage with local people as well as those interested in improving infrastructure around Littleham and wider Exmouth.  We are particularly interested in hearing about community infrastructure and also from those interested in affordable housing provision.

A specific website will be launched shortly to help us with this engagement.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Plumb Park Podcast

Today we posted the 5 minute Podcast I made showing the interview about our proposed development near Littleham Exmouth.  It is about building a community - providing affordable housing for local people, infrastructure, landscaping, open space, woodland and orchards and new linear rights of access.  Our proposal enables much greater numbers of affordable housing to be built as well as a full planning obligations package.  We envisage improvements to public transport, the Pankhurst Industrial Estate, local infrastructure and housing provision.  We also believe that elements of the development nearer Douglas Avenue can reflect the Avenues Design Statement.  All in all a very exciting opportunity!


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Employee Engagement

Amazing that I understand over 90% of Estate employees have responded to the "Employee Engagement" questionnaire being run by Best Companies.  We won't know the full results until early in the new year but this level of response is encouraging and should give us some useful feedback on which to base plans to improve the way we work.

As 2011 is year one of our ten year strategy I am keen that we start off on the journey with a truly engaged team!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Woodland Trust and Jubilee Woods

Met Woodland Trust this afternoon to discuss our management of Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS).  Overall we think they were impressed with our approach - we certainly enjoyed the engagement and opportunity to discuss what is a very topical subject.

Our plans for a new woodland extension at Harpford Wood was discussed and our plans to designate it free open access and a "Jubilee Wood" perhaps involving local people in its establishment.

Lord Clinton's Charitable Trust agreed recently to donate £500 to each Estate parish to support the recognition of the Queen's Jubilee in 2012.  We are talking to the Woodland Trust about any guidance they can give to planting hedgerow trees or small groups / specimens.  Once we have looked at this we will contact all parishes and town councils.

Colaton Raleigh Parish Council Briefing

Held a useful briefing and update session with Colaton Raleigh PC earlier in week.  Topics covered Solar PV at a brown field site and an update on the Clinton Farms dirty water system and lagoon which will help further reduce any possibility of diffuse pollution and excessive nitrates in the soil at the wrong time of the year. Being an organic farm a lot has been done already to improve soil fertility and conditions for wildlife, however, there is always more to be done.  We also gave an outline of a future planning application to erect a building to enable a second organic herd to be established at Otter, which would result in the calving unit moving elsewhere and a new road being established taking all farm traffic off Church Road.

Hope to hold sessions like this every six months or so with all parishes.

Littleham Podcast

Finished a 5 minute "podcast" of me being interviewed on the Estate's position regarding Plumb Park - our counter proposal to the Town Council's 190 allocation in the Littleham site.  Should be on Youtube in next 36 hours.  More details when live.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

18th November

18th November is an important date for Exmouth.  It is the day of the Development Management Committee Meeting where a decision will be taken regarding Littleham 190 houses or Plumb Park 350.  We hope for Exmouth's sake it is the latter...  more affordable homes and more real benefits for local people...

Meeting residents of Exmouth

In past few weeks it has proven remarkably difficult to meet with and engage with the Town Council about the LDF process.  So, we are now engaging direct with residents.

We have been to the AGMs of Littleham Residents Association and TARA (Avenues).  I enjoyed both.  Real people with real issues. I want to do more of this and we are working up a comprehensive engagement and consultation plan for the coming weeks.  On Monday 14th November we hope to meet for an information session with some Town Councillors and representatives from resident's associations.  We will talk about the Estate, our strategy and approach to Liverton Business Park and the LDF in respect of Littleham.  Hopefully the start of a wider engagement?

Feedback indicates that local people would like to see something done about the industrial site.  We are working on engaging with the stakeholders there to see if we can exercise some influence.  If we can deliver our Plumb Park 350 proposal then we may well have resources to do something quite exciting as well as open up a large open access park around "Donkey Hill".  Affordable housing is the message we keep getting and we intend to respond to this...

We need to talk to Sandy Bay re traffic and we will do this over the coming weeks.


Interesting times...  nearly ten years of work evaluating our Littleham housing site in Exmouth it was dismissed at the stroke of Cllr Mike Allen's pen on 11th October as unsuitable!  It was recognised by professional urban planners as THE most sustainable site in Exmouth for up to 500 homes.  No evidence presented other than councillors didn't like it!  Planning officers, consultants and Estate property team amazed at the cavalier approach.  But then, a counter proposal by the Town Council for 190 dwellings on a sub set of our site...

In two weeks we developed our response which is called Plumb Park - 350 houses on a site slightly larger than the Town Council's allowing lower density, much better landscaping, much more affordable housing and infrastructure...  yet this too rejected on 25th October and 190 confirmed on 1st November.  A lot of grandstanding which we found frankly inappropriate when you consider this is people's homes being talked about.  Over 3,000 on housing waiting list - we wonder what is behind all this...

There comes a point when you say OK lets now go into battle for what we believe in.  This is what we are doing.  We want to build a community not a high density housing estate.  See www.clintondevon.com for more details of our proposals.  Podcast will be launched in next 24 hours - details will be here.

On a brighter note the development at Liverton is proceeding well, despite the bad weather.  The fact we have started work has begun to attract a number of high profile tenants.  We hope to sign one or two heads of terms in coming weeks.  It is all VERY exciting and such a contrast to the comedy show over the LDF for housing...  My occasional trips to London and elsewhere on non executive business are a welcome relief and safety valve...   If we are to help unlock Exmouth and take on tenants such as Stage Coach and Jewsons they had better hurry up as we may not have room for them the way interest is taking off for LBP2.  Our emerging thoughts for LBP3 are including quality office use...  we await and see what the Town thinks...

A lot going on...

Attended quite a number of interesting meetings over past few weeks.  Environment Agency Board Meeting in Cardiff with a tour of the Welsh Assembly - remarkable building and facilities.  Chance to talk to those involved in bringing together Forestry Commission, CCW and EA Wales into one body...

Forestry Panel Meeting in London - minutes will be out shortly.  Progress is being made.

Nature Improvement Area judging Panel at Defra, London - getting 79 to 20 was not easy - some amazing applications. I am looking forward to having the privilege of judging the final few to get to 12!

At the Estate the key meeting has been our Board Meeting - this time in Devon with video links back to London to get up to date reports on the economy and global markets.  A great meeting, a lot to discuss about progress on the delivery of year one of our ten year strategy.  We are making progress on a number of fronts but in one or two areas it is quite frustrating - more in another post!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Been away...

Hi. I have been off air for a while. Holidays but also not sure if my ramblings were being picked up and read... And more importantly if they were of interest. I have heard from one or two of you that they were so I'll try and get back into the swing of things... Do please send the odd message to confirm that my transmissions are being received...

New post shortly...

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Family Business as a Paradox - Professor John Ward

Four full hours this morning on Family Business.  Focus on the big paradox - business or family or both?!

How to ensure that the business can move through generations intact...  but considering that business systems have one logic and family systems another.

Legacy vs individual gain
Communities vs transient
24/7 vs 9 to 5
Emotion vs rational
Given vs planned
Tradition vs change
Harmony vs justice
Tolerance vs standards

Need policies; purpose; process and a paradox...

Family first or business first when thinking about family and business issues - different cultures approach it in different ways.

A lot of time spent on transition between the family...

Think long term, not get too focussed on short term - set milestones for long term - is it an excuse for low performance though?

If you do a financial analysis using standard Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) you will get a short term because it assumes current cash is better than future cash.  Other options include scenario planning and "options".  How little can I pay today to get better information to a better decision later?

Leading in a complex world: Simplify and Amplify...

Professor Maznevski led a session on trying to implement strategy in a complex world.  Today we must NOT try to simplify situations.  Simplification is an illusion.  Complex animals can adapt to complex environments...  simple animals are less adaptable and if their niche changes they can't adapt.

Most complex aspect of any company is it's human brains and relationships.  Yet only 30 to 70 (max)% of any company brains' intellectual capacity is being utilised.  Therefore we should push to use more to deal more effectively with today's complexity!

Brain - empower knowledge

Relationships - empower connectivity

Two characters to help us balance our leadership in a complex world -

Hercules and Buddha


Single mindedness
Rational thought
Accomplishing goals
Win wealth and status

In management -

Procedures; hierarchy; market share; results; co-ordination


Path to enlightenment
Knowledge and wisdom
Rising above conflict

In Management - informal processes; networks; collaboration; development; exploring alternatives; long term planning

You should operate in both H and B modes at appropriate times to be successful in dealing with complexity.  Simplify and Amplify.


Clear mission
Values and organisational structure
Simple and clear authority
Some core processes

Amplify the ability to respond and create opportunities:

Facilitate innovation and empowerment in decision making
Coach, ask questions and develop alternatives
Increase informal networks and collaboration

Example Nelson Mandela "forgiveness liberates the soul - it is such a powerful weapon"

Be both Buddha and Hercules... take responsibility for what you simplify and what you amplify...

Jean-Claude Biver CEO of Hublot

M Biver CEO of Hublot watches gave a talk this evening...  at first I thought he had spent rather longer at the wine tasting than the rest of us.  However, it became clear this was his style...  He talked about his business philosophy as a leader and CEO.  Basically it revolved around love...

He had three key messages:

1.  SHARE - as a leader share your knowledge and your failures.  Share success also NEVER say any success is yours personally - it is the team's success otherwise you are not a leader - you are rather sad and lonely!

2.  RESPECT - respect your suppliers - they are critical to your customer offering.  Respect your people and customers - an "act of love" (when questioned later - it appears that this message does not apply to competitors!)

3.  FORGIVE - you must be capable of forgiving mistakes - if you cannot forgive you should not be the boss.  If people don't make mistakes there is no future.  No success without failure!  However, no repeating mistakes - if you do then "goodbye" is his philosophy...

These three approaches should be at a leader's work AND at home.

Be "young".  Young means active.  Forget the body (sorry Neil) - the brain and heart must remain young - give love as a leader and remain active...  You can be 85 and still young...

Some interesting views...

Monday, 27 June 2011

Day 2 IMD

Full day... Thought provoking 4.5 hour session on what makes family business's tick. Key issue about thinking at least one generation ahead. John Ward and Joachim Schwass are the top two family business professors in the world. This is serious stuff!

Last night had a mind expanding presentation on the state of the world's economies by an economics professor. Time to leave the UK... We appear to be stuffed. Public sector out of control in terms of costs vs value and national debt coming a close second in a league table not to be seen near... Although UK pays over £26k to any family not wishing to work in Spain and Greece the state's largesse is considerably greater!!! Incredible figures - I'd rather not believe them.

A presentation on Social Media convinced me that we need to move into this space sooner rather than later. Engagement with communities and individuals is essential for businesses and reinforces the work we are already doing. Status quo not acceptable - how we engage with multiple generational individuals and communities in ways not even considered a year or so ago will be interesting to say the least. Budleigh Salterton may not be ready for this but from today's session the rest of the globe is. Networks are becoming global with local twists...

Decline of the nation state? Yes but will the politicians get it? Jury is out - to date they don't appear to... If you are a pastry chef in Greece it is classified as a dangerous occupation and you can retire any time after 50 on virtually full pay... If you take UK policy on public pensions, welfare etc we are actually not far behind...

IMD have bespoke iPad app. Awesome. Andrew de G and Luke - I want one for CDE for scorecard reportimg et al...! We shall speak. Remarkable use of technology to very good effect.

That's all for me - got three cases to read for Tuesday...

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Off to Switzerland

Just at T5 LHR waiting to catch flight to Geneva for our Family Business Course at IMD. Great to have family, David Cobb and David Robinson attending. Will update with feedback as course progresses.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Forestry Panel - visit to Forest of Dean

On Sunday and Monday I attended the Government's Independent Forestry Panel's first visit which was to the Forest of Dean.  We stayed in the heart of the forest and had two fascinating days of meetings and visits.  What was remarkable was the passion local people have for their local woodlands - a strong culture of association, sometimes through employment, residence, family or simply leisure.  The history and traditions still active and / or treasured were legendary.  The support for their local Forestry Commission representatives was obvious.  We were made welcome and I know that all the Panel got a lot from the visit.  I am looking forward to the contrast with Keilder Forest (the largest man made forest in Europe) and the NE which we visit next.

On the Monday afternoon John Wilding, in his capacity as member of the SW FC Regional Advisory Committee, attended a workshop the Panel was holding with regional stakeholders.  There were seven tables each chaired by a Panel Member - John was allocated to my table but we both agreed that he should find somewhere else to sit!  It was great to see the great and good from the forestry world congratulating John on the award of his well deserved MBE!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Otters on the River Otter

Great news article on ITV Westcountry tonight about otters on the River Otter. Featuring the Devon Wildlife Trust and John Wilding from the Estate. If you did not see it have a look at:


Please let your friends and contacts have this link before it is taken down

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Visit of Royal Yacht Squadron

Everyone at REO helped to make the visit of the Royal Yacht Squadron such a success and memorable event. The dressage display by Abbie Hughes at the end was the icing on the cake. Thanks to everyone involved. We have a few weeks "rest" before our Summer Event early next month!

The weather, despite predictions to the contrary, proved to be perfect for the visit but still very frustrating for Estate farmers - George is very concerned now as to the reduced yields / quality of his arable crops. Animal feed will be an issue later this year.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Rain, trees and broadband

it is now getting very silly indeed!  Whilst the sunny weather is great for outdoor activities it is now causing the Estate some real concerns.  The brief downpours recently have done nothing to prevent the Pebblebed Heaths to be now tinder dry and a huge fire risk - already two arson attacks have occurred; Clinton Farms is struggling with grass and arable crops and both income will be down and costs of feed up later in the year; recently planted woodlands are suffering and many hectares will require re-planting this winter.

Only good news is that the hot weather will hopefully delay another serious bout of Phytophthora ramorum in our larch.  John Wilding continues to be vigilant though.  You will have noticed the significant increase in felling activity in East Devon - this is primarily to pre-empt any infection and take advantage of the market.  We exported timber from Bideford recently which was a first (well for a long time) and we also saw timber going to mills in Norfolk, both these events say a lot about the English timber market!  All our harvesting contractors have undertaken site based risk assessments which, in the main, have allowed public access.  It is a credit to the forestry team and our contractors that we have had little or no adverse comment about our activities.  Indeed comments we have received have been mainly inquisitive!  We continue to engage with Forestry Commission SW supporting their initiative to encourage co-operative working across growers and processors in the region.  A very innovative and forward thinking approach.

The £30m funding recently announced for rural broadband infrastructure in Devon is welcome news.  The Estate has been involved in drawing up plans for investment in both wireless and fixed line broadband services across our commercial and residential properties for a number of years.  We have already made contact with both the County and District Councils and hope to see some genuine investment in bandwidth across the geography of Devon over the coming months.  It has been a long time coming (a bit like affordable housing but that is another story and future blog...).

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Westphalia forestry visit

Absolutely fascinating visit to Westphalia. Such generous hosts. Looked at 500kw bio gas plant, willow bio mass, wind turbines (everywhere and fitting so well into the countryside). Saw solar PV on farm buildings which again worked well in landscape but I know UK planners would froth at mouth...!

Forestry discussion extremely interesting. German foresters are viewed as professionals and generally well respected by the public. Many have Phd's. It is a sought after profession. Public Forest Estate is at State (region) level - ie c15 independent public companies. Civil servants with a local very focussed twist. in Westphalia c 60% of forests are owned by the State. Targeted not to loose money - so commercially focussed - yet aim to deliver public benefits where appropriate. Ie where forest forms part of a national park. Will find out more on Wednesday but seems to me that FC has much broader (and maybe conflicting, in terms of resource) objectives? Because of scale of countryside and forestry much less pressure for access it appears which takes pressure off balancing agendas. Wild boar and deer big issue - the latter esp for establishment of plantations. Much higher % of beech/broadleaves than UK but there again Beech does not grow well in UK and in Germany it is seen very much as a commercial crop. Not so in UK! Again broadleaf strategy underpinned by sound economics - in UK economics very unsound. Grey squirrel effect not known of in Germany. They are very lucky!

Real passion for renewables, esp wood fuel...

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Visit to Forestry Commission Woodlands in SE

John Wilding took me along with him today to visit contacts in FC SE to find out more about Heathland Restoration, Community Engagement, Education and Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites and their management. We were also interested in car park management and looking at initiatives to develop new income streams. 12 hour day but worth every minute. Our hosts were exemplary - such a professional team at FC SE. We have learnt a lot and most of it transferable to our woodland management back in Devon and particularly relevant to our current public consultation regarding our future management of the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths. Key message is that engagement with local communities is essential... We are already on the case!

Thank you John for organising this and driving there and back - much appreciated...

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Arson on East Devon Pebblebed Heaths

Yesterday afternoon some idiots (we think four young male idiots in a blue Renault Megane) started two separate fires on Aylesbere and Hawkerland Commons - SSSI, SPA and SAC. Killing extremely rare wildlife, causing extensive habitat damage and considerable danger to road users (from the smoke) the fire brigade and our wardens. Luckily thanks to the Estate team - especially Paul and Ed - and the fire brigade the fire was brought under control reasonably quickly. It was on the edge of a plantation and it could have been much much worse without the actions of these teams. Well done.

If anyone sees a blue Megane with four young men in it hanging around the heaths then please get the registration number, descriptions and location and call the police or the Estate Office.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

New Ideas

We need to encourage more and faster innovation across the Estate in everything we do.  I know that many of you have ideas about how we can improve performance and we need to find a way to hear your ideas and consider them.  In BT we had a very formalised "New Ideas" scheme.  Before I begin to discuss how we take an approach forward I would value your ideas on how we might tackle this particular challenge.  We need a process which will ensure that everyone's ideas on every matter - large and small - are valued and captured in a timely and efficient manner.  Let me know your thoughts on this Blog or directly over the coming few weeks please.

Forestry Panel

Attended the Government's Forestry Advisory Panel on Thursday - minutes will be published within a week and I anticipate that there will be a call for evidence from the public and industry / stakeholders in due course.  Once the details of how everyone can get engaged and give their views are published I will let you know.  It is important that those with ideas and comments on the future of forestry policy in England get in touch with the Panel.

On Friday morning I chaired the Environment Agency Water, Land and Agriculture working group.

On Sunday John Wilding appeared on the BBC Politics Show - South West discussing Phythophera ramorum - the fungal disease in Japanese Larch which is devastating the Westcountry.  I have sent around the url for this on iplayer already:  www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007tjjx  You need to start iplayer at just after 49 minutes 30 seconds.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Family Office Investment Summit and Agricultural Forum

Interesting day in London. Attended a Family Office Investment Summit after nomination by our
Investment Managers Sarasin. Numerous family businesses from across Europe and their representatives. Key focus was the need to have a clear investment strategy and use all the available products and "vehicles" to build a well balanced fund capable of responding to future volatility and reflecting investment objectives. I learnt a lot! Late afternoon and evening I attended an agricultural discussion group. The topic was the recent partnership agreement between the Government and Food Industry focussing on health and nutrition. The question for me is how much should we focus on getting the food industry to change it's approach compared to how much we should try to change consumer behaviour. Debate revolved around do we need more science versus do we focus on getting messages across on obesity and healthy eating. Should we focus on schools or more mainstream channels? Really difficult issue - what do you think?

360 degree feedback - a challenge!

In order to stimulate feedback on this blog I thought I would begin to pose some questions... Following the success of Derek Wood's work with a lot of the team on personal development and personality profiling I am discussing with Derek what we do next...

So in a few weeks time we will be trialing with the senior management team 360 degree feedback. This is an approach which involves an individual asking a small number of colleagues to give anonymous and confidential feedback, identifying areas to improve the individual's performance and effectiveness. We will focus the process on what we need to do to deliver our strategy over the next ten years.

It is not just for the management team. To improve our effectiveness across the organisation I hope that we will use this approach widely. So once the senior team have trialled it we will roll it out further.

What do you think!?

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Charles Moore and EBG Main Meeting

At today's Main Meeting of EBG at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, which Charles attended with me, we had updates from the CLA, the Scottish CLA, British Property Federation and Lord Inglewood. Too many issues to report here but it was reassuring to hear that many of our frustrations with policy and regulation were shared with others and the professional bodies who represent Estates are, in the main, on the case. The Localism Bill is an opportunity for estates and Big Society is something that we have been engaged with for a few hundred years. We should look to embrace these shifts in decentralising power and work harder with local communities of interest across all operations. One area not so encouraging is the emerging thinking around Community Right To Buy - which although great in principle, may result in unintended consequences of estates not letting communities have access to facilities in fear of them being targeted by local pressure groups for purchase. The fundamental principle of property rights is being challenged and EBG and Clinton Devon are campaigning for changes to the wording of this proposed legislation.

The key note speaker today was Charles Moore, journalist and previous editor of Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph and Spectator. Absolutely riveting. Charles gave his thoughts on the Coalition' workings, the individuals in it and how it all may end... One common theme was that although a commentator once said "...consistency is a sign of an unsound mind...". the seemingly continuous changing of the ground rules all the time does not allow businesses to plan - especially as we struggle to find some certainty in order to develop plans to get back on the road to recovery and out of the recession. Fiddling with 00s of policies and legislation in virtually every area of government - including the UK constitution itself (watch out for radical House of Lords Reform) is not helpful but that is exactly what is happening. Supporting wealth creation activity is the only way out of the mess we find ourselves in was the message. Interesting insights into David Cameron's management style - the concept of chairman rather than Chief Executive and the pros and cons of both approaches...

Estates Business Group - Risk Management

Chaired the EBG Rural Committee yesterday at Casenove, London. Subject Risk Management for estates, land operations and property businesses. NFU Mutual gave an excellent presentation and Sir Don Curry attended in his capacity as NFU Mutual chairman. Grosvenor Estates H&S Director gave an update on Grosvenor's approach to risk. The most engaging and lively EBG meeting I have chaired!

In a nutshell Estate and farming operations are statistically some of the most dangerous in industry. Last year over 45 people were killed across the farming industry and many more badly injured. Millions of £ in compensation paid, lives destroyed, businesses paralysed - the case studies from the NFU and estates around the table were frightening. Estates who have had serious accidents were taking it seriously, those that hadn't were, in the main, paying lip service.

Legislation is putting the onus on business and importantly managers who are legally liable to ensure a safe working environment and working practices. Equally it was up to everyone in a business to take risk management and safety seriously. It needs to be an emotional thing not just a process thing. That is there needs to be an audit trail of paperwork, processes, reviews etc... But everyone in an organisation needs to think about risk and safety all the time in every operation they perform. Lifting photocopy paper, repairing a barn roof or felling a tree.

Whilst we, at Clinton Devon, have much of the paperwork in place we need to get the principles embedded in our working practices and ethos. That starts at the top with the Trustees and me. Equally it starts with you, those working for the Estate. We have appointed NFU Mutual Risk Management to help us over the coming months. I am keen though that the subject of ensuring a safe working environment and practices is given more than a cursory discussion at team meetings. Don't wait for orders from headquarters - please start discussing how you improve the management of risk in your area of operations, wherever, it may be.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Bicton Horse Trials

A fantastic weekend at Bicton Arena for the Bicton Horse Trials. Well done to the Horse Trials team who laid on a great event. The Arena goes from strength to strength.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Metabolic Age and the Estate Gym

Having just returned from the Estate gym (wrecked) having been beasted by Neil to row 3,000 metres, and beat my best time (I didn't), I was wondering if all this exercise everyone on the East Devon Estate is now taking was having an effect.  Neil has measured everyone's metabolic age when you signed up for the gym and you gave him your real ages - it would be good if those who use the gym could give Carla the OK for Neil to calculate how our collective training is impacting on our average metabolic age.  Obviously all data will be used anonymously and it will be an Estate average - it would be great to see if the investment in facilities, trainer and the time the Estate and individuals are giving is paying off...

I'd like to think that over a 12 month period we have reduced our "Corporate Metabolic Age" by a few years!

Neil is also after testimonials for his business, so if you feel that he is doing a good job let Carla have some words of praise she can pass on.  I am too tired to write anything else but will do a testimonial later when I have forgiven him...

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Impressive Results

At our Departmental Review Meeting on Tuesday, on the Heanton Estate, each Estate team gave an update on performance. It was really pleasing to listen to so much positive reporting on successful outcomes across our complex countryside business. In every aspect of our work at Clinton Devon Estates we are performing to a very high standard. Well done to everyone - when you consider the challenges we are facing with the UK economy, high levels of taxation and volatile markets the results that we are delivering are quite remarkable.

Thanks to Paul Hipkin for a most fascinating tour of the gardens at Heanton and the interesting briefing on the development of the gardens and the Gilpin parkland.

It has been agreed that we will undertake our regular employee satisfaction survey again later in 2011. On the last two ocassions we have done this, in 2008 and 2010, we have used the "Best Companies" survey, aligned with the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies ranking and benchmarks. Hopefully the feedback on areas for improving employee engagement identified in the last survey has been acted upon and we will see this reflected in the responses. Please ensure that your teams are following up on any outstanding actions. Graham Vanstone will be in touch in the late Summer / early Autumn with details of this year's survey.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Tregothnan Estate visit Rolle Estate Office

On Friday the Tregothnan Estate visited us. In the morning they held their Board Meeting in the Rolle Board Room and then Lord Clinton, Leigh and myself joined them for a working lunch and afternoon meeting. Tregothnan Estates were interested in our public engagement strategy and our plans for the future - to be honest we learnt as much from them! In 2001 they launched Tregothnan Tea grown in the garden to the main house. It is now an international success story. It's a premium quality brand and next time you are in Fortnum and Masons you can pick some up! A really interesting story of a family business diversifying into a totally new product area. At Clinton Devon we are focussing on our core businesses of property and land management. However the Tregothnan story highlights that we should always be on the look out about how we can add value in unique and profitable ways. Tregothnan tea all started from an idea by the manager of the gardens.

Over the next 10 year strategy period to 2021 I am keen that everyone on the Estate has an opportunity to bring forward ideas for adding value, reducing cost and generating new business. We can discuss some of this at next week's Departmental Review Meeting in North Devon, which, coincidently, involves a tour of the garden at Heanton Satchville. Be on the look out for Camilias, a variety of which produces Tregothnan Tea!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Budleigh Salterton Golf Course

Today Lord Clinton, Charles, Leigh and myself visited Budleigh Salterton Golf Course to see the completed course realignment works. A remarkable project and a superb result. The works had been undertaken to enable the South West Coast Path to be re-routed further inland to avoid the eroding cliff edge. The Club negotiated with East Devon Distrct Council, Devon County Council and Natural England in a very positive manner to help the Local Authority move the path onto the edge of the golf course and have incurred significant costs as a result in realigning the course. No compensation has been paid to the Club or Estate. Users of the path will soon no longer take their life into their hands as they walk along the cliff path.

The Golf Club was built by Hon Mark Rolle in 1901. Lord Clinton is President and although formally tenants the Club has a very special relationship with the Estate. It was a pleasure to see the course on such a lovely day and the work that has just been undertaken to help preserve it for future generations. Without doubt one of the finest settings for a golf course in Europe.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Farm Strategy - Partners Meeting

Today we held a full day session discussing the proposed strategy for Clinton Farms 2011 to 2021. Family and Trustees of General Fund were present. The day was facilitated by Duncan Rawson of European Food and Farming Partnerships. An extensive session which looked at every aspect of external impacts on the farm, the fit with the overall Estate strategy and the wishes of the partners. Much recognition was given to the tremendous team at Clinton Farms led by George who have turned the farm around over the past 13 years. We have a solid platform from which to launch our 10 year strategy. The output from the meeting is being prepared and will be presented to the wider Estate and discussed in detail with everyone at Clinton Farms in due course. In a nutshell there was a continued commitment to invest in the dairy business whilst continuing with a mixed farming system to provide flexibility and adaptability. We will investigate a wide range of renewable initiatives and, over time, look to experiment in emerging and related opportunities such as working with partners on organic vegetable production and new crops. Fossil fuel reduction will be a focus over the period along with water management and storage. A strong focus on reducing unit costs of production, enhancing environmental outcomes, engaging with the public and where practical helping to support educational initiatives. An important aspect discussed was encouraging employee engagement in turning the strategy into reality. Overall a very stimulating session. Farm Partners commented on the very professional briefing papers prepared by George, Peter and Andrew - well done!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Estate DVD

The DVD we had produced on the Estate a few years ago is looking rather tired. KOR are in the process of producing a new one for the summer. In a few weeks their camera man will be around the Estate filming people and places and may well ask a number of you to say a few words... If you get asked please take part! We can't include everyone or every clip taken but we will include some. It is important that it includes real employees saying what they feel so don't be shy.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Express and Echo Awards and Tradewind

Sadly we didn't win the category we were shortlisted for in the Express and Echo Business Awards last night... We had been nominated for the environmental award but I was pleased to see my friend Patrick McCaig of Otter Breweries walk off as the winner. They have done some amazing things in terms of waste management and carbon reduction over the past few years and I think we should arrange a visit to find out more - I'll get onto it!!!

Took a call from Nick at Tradewind Turbines - plans for the deployment of the second prototype turbine at an MOD base in Cyprus during June are well underway. A lot of interest from investors in the world of aerospace and military engineering as well as other rural estates. Exciting times for this very innovative business. We plan to run a feature on Tradewind in our 2011 Countryside Matters Review due out in early July. Look out for it!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Fly tipping and vandalism

Sadly the new policy by Devon CC to charge residential customers to take certain waste to the recycling centre appears to be already having an impact on the landscape.  The Estate in the past week has seen a 300% increase in fly tipping on farm land and more worryingly the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths SSSI.  We have written to the CEO of Devon CC and will be gathering evidence of the increase of fly tipping over the coming weeks.  We intend to lobby Devon CC to reverse this policy in due course.  In the meantime we will robustly deal with anyone found fly tipping on Estate land - cameras are being installed and we will seek to prosecute.  Where we find that the responsibility for removal rests with others (including the Local Authority) we will ensure that they take their responsibilities seriously.  In the past, with lower volumes of activity, we have been more "generous" in dealing with this issue - in future we cannot afford to let others off the hook!  Clare is taking a lead with this issue, supported by George and John W.

Yesterday we heard of yet another act of vandalism on the China Tower.  We are gathering evidence and will seek to identify and prosecute those responsible.  It really is mindless vandalism of a very historic and important building...

Phytophthora ramorum

John Wilding, Head of Forestry and Environment has returned from a visit to Penrith to support a seminar for woodland owners in the north of England on the impacts we are seeing from Phytophthora ramorum (PR) on Japanese Larch in the SW.  Our experience is that if you catch it early and take immediate action the downside can be reduced.  Equally if you don't catch it the downside is a nightmare (eg Plym Woods) for the landscape, timber values and the local community.  John's practical input was much appreciated.  Today we received a letter from Caroline Spelman, the Secretary of State, in response to a letter the Estate wrote suggesting actions that needed to be taken to reduce the impacts of PR.  It was pleasing to note the appreciation from both Defra and the Forestry Commission of the Estate's actions to date regarding PR and also the fact that PR is being taken very seriously by Defra, FC, Forest Research and the Food and Environment Research Agency.  Across the Estate we must not be complacent - hopefully everyone is now briefed on PR through team meetings, however, if anyone wants more information please let John know.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Farm Strategy to 2021

Useful morning with Clinton Devon Farm team considering 10 year strategy paper for formal review on 18th. A lot of things to consider - the next 10 years could be a roller coaster of uncertainty with competing pressures on land and finance. Dairy is definitely going to be our focus but risks need to be managed. George Perrot and Peter Baughan left for lunch with Richard Benyon Defra Minister to discuss Catchment Sensitive Farming... After everything the Farm team have done to comply with NVZ Regs and our organic conversion programme I hope some very positive messages are received on Clinton Farms' exemplary stewardship of the Lower Otter Valley...

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Laid up

I have not felt so ill in years - some kind of flu ("man-flu"?). Was going down hill all last week but in bed most of Friday and today (Saturday). Lots to do on Sunday - Mothers Day - and back to work on Monday so need to get better ASAP. Must be the low fat diet, exercise and lack of alcohol over past few weeks which has weakened my system...

Fresh Start Seminar

Enjoyed participating at Joint RASE / Fresh Start seminar in London on 30th March on how to encourage new entrants to farming... Tried to put over a view that a totally new approach was needed. Not everyone agreed but at least the industry is discussing it!